Oil on canvas
16" x 20"
Two things about this painting made it a great learning experience for me: Its size and the fact that it is a portrait. Neither of which is characteristic of my work. When I first stood in front of the canvas ready to start, I felt as if I was standing on one foot, one hand tied behind my back. Awkward!! I'm used to swishing through the canvas with broad brushes, lots of room to swirl around thick strokes of paint. Not that I never use small brushes but those are for highlights, small details, I thought. Now I wasn't only painting small, I'm working on a portrait! Only twice attempted in the past and those were self portraits. Self portraits are less restricting again, I thought, but this is my daughter... the pressure's on. I'm definitely not a photo realist. I stepped back, took a deep breath and moved out of that restrictive space I had cornered myself. Stepped away from the easel and back into my "artist space." I didn't want to just paint a portrait, but rather capture all the elements coming to play that brief instant as I walked by her, which capture my attention and my imagination.